Madhya Pradesh, known as the heart of India, is experiencing rapid growth in cities like Bhopal and Indore. Spearheading development is vision of Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., which is set to introduce metro rail services in Indore, the state commercial capital. The Indore Metro Rail Super Priority Corridor, spanning 5.3 km from Gandhinagar Corridor-3 (SC-3), boasts cutting-edge technology that caters to the present and future needs.
This metro rail service prioritizes safety and environmental friendliness by employing modern technologies and efficient operation and maintenance practices. Metro Rail service is not just a means of transport, but it will be such a unique work, which will establish its identity and emerge as a symbol of the city. The metro rail service, which is developing at the pace of urban development, is also changing the definition of life.
To ensure the safe and reliable transportation of a large number of passengers, the metro rail service incorporates state-of-the-art signalling technology. This technology guarantees smooth and secure journey for commuters while optimizing infrastructure investments and enhancing train services. The signalling system maintain safe train separation, which traditionally was indicated by red, yellow, and green signals, prompting train operators to take appropriate actions which is upgraded nowadays to cab-signalling in urban Metros systems.
The Bhopal & Indore Metro Rail projects have chosen a Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) system that enables unattended train operation, also known as Grade of Automation-4 (GoA-4). The CBTC is state-of-the-art system with minimal service disruption, providing a new dimension in overlay capability. The need for mass transit systems is ever-increasing, with more people needing to get to their destinations in less time without compromising on reliability or safety.
The chosen signalling system is of Alstom make, URBALIS U-400 which integrates computerized interlocking system (CBI), Automatic Train Control (ATC), Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), and Centralized Control & Monitoring (OCC).
Bhopal and Indore Metro will operate at the highest level of automation which is developed based on the international standards. Along with the UTO mode of operation, Automatic train operation (ATO) and Automatic train protection (ATP) modes will also be available to the driver.
Key features of the CBTC system include:-
Automatic Modes of Operation:
a) GOA-2 (Grade of Automation-2): In GOA-2 Operation the train is run by driver in the Driver’s Cab of Leading DMC car which will have all the controlling system required to operate the train.
b) GOA-4 (Grade of Automation-4): The system is the most advanced system of railway automation wherein train runs without a driver. This is also called Unattended train Operation (UTO). Initially attended will be present onboard for attending any sort of issues.
Throughput: CBTC offers reduced headway between trains, thus maximizing network capacity and throughput. Headway is defined as Minimum time interval between successive trains at any point on the line such that the speed of a following Trains is not reduced by the presence of any other service Train ahead.
Moving Block technology: Moving block methodology based on CBTC technology will be used, which enables reduction of the safety distance between two consecutive trains.
Predictive Maintenance: Round the clock monitoring of heath parameters of various subsystems of signalling system to ensure reduced maintenance effort during operational hours.
Timetable regulation modes: ATR subsystem shall maintain the timetable sequence of trains. It shall regulate trains, optimize train performance, headway regulation and schedule to minimize overall delay with respect to the timetable.
Auto Washing of coaches: Trains returning to depot after operational hours will be automatically routed to wash plant as per the timetable. Train coaches will be cleaned and further automatically routed to Stabling Bay Line (SBL) in the depot.
Auto Sleep and wake-up: As per the timetable, trains after revenue service will return to SBL area in depot and it will automatically enter into sleep mode. ATC will keep on monitoring trains and trains will automatically wake up in the morning as per the schedule without the involvement of operation or maintenance staff.
Centralized Cyber security System: Centralized cyber security system will be deployed to secure the CBTC system. Signalling System is designed to ensure next-generation threat detection to safeguard the operational network from emerging cyber threats and ensure regulatory compliance as per International Standards.
Intrusion Detection System: Intrusion of passenger on track will be prevented by platform screen doors (PSD) and Platform Edge doors (PED). PSD shall remain closed and locked until train has docked and open only if adequate width of passage is provided for passenger.