Trial run begins on GIFT City - GNLU Stretch of Ahmedabad Metro Phase 2

MRT Online Desk Posted on: 2024-03-11 07:30:00 Viewer: 474 Comments: 0 Country: India City: Ahmedabad

Trial run begins on GIFT City - GNLU Stretch of Ahmedabad Metro Phase 2

Ahmedabad, India (Metro Rail Today): The Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project has reached a significant milestone with the commencement of trial runs, marking a pivotal step towards enhancing urban connectivity in Gujarat. The Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Limited (GMRCL) initiated the trial run on the GIFT City - GNLU section, unveiling the metro experience for the first time in GIFT City.

On a noteworthy Sunday, the trial run kickstarted the evaluation phase for the 21-kilometer stretch from Sector 1 to Motera, incorporating GIFT City. After the successful completion of these trials, the Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety (CMRS) will be invited for inspection, paving the way for the commencement of commercial operations.

The forthcoming trial run is scheduled for the Koba-Motera Crossing section, a crucial segment of Ahmedabad Metro Phase 2. The GMRC has outlined ambitious plans to open this 21 km stretch for public use by June 2024, signaling a significant leap forward in Ahmedabad's metro connectivity landscape.

Notably, the entire 28 km section, connecting Motera to Mahatma Mandir, is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, expanding the reach and impact of the Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project. This comprehensive initiative aligns with the city's vision for efficient and modernized public transportation, addressing the growing demands of a dynamic urban environment.

As the trial runs progress and the metro network expands, residents and commuters can anticipate a transformative shift in daily commuting experiences. The introduction of the metro system not only enhances transportation efficiency but also contributes to the overall development and accessibility of key areas within Ahmedabad.

The commencement of trial runs on the GIFT City - GNLU section of Ahmedabad Metro Phase 2 signifies a crucial phase in the Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project. With diligent planning and execution, GMRC is on track to meet its timeline for public use, ushering in a new era of metro connectivity for the residents of Gujarat.


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