Viksit Bharat-2047: The Constructive Role of Metro Rail Sector

U.J.M. Rao Posted on: 2024-05-25 07:15:00 Viewer: 2,111 Comments: 0 Country: India City: New Delhi

Viksit Bharat-2047: The Constructive Role of Metro Rail Sector

Viksit Bharat – 2047 has been aimed at to become a ‘Developed India’.  Every Citizen of our country should move towards achieving the broad objectives set therein Viz. Economic Prosperity, Social Advancement, Environmental Sustainability and Effective Governance, in the mission to magnificently face-lift the Global Image of India. In this endeavor, all sectors need to be geared up and aggressively contribute towards the end goal. Metro Rail Sector, the modern Mass Rapid Transport System in Urban India has a role to play in Bharat’s image-building efforts. In this article, I tried to describe, as far as possible, in a detailed and practical way.

The latest addition to the Urban Transportation genre is the most Modern and Robust Mass Rapid Public Transportation System in the Cities, which cannot be seen just as another mode of Public Transportation. The wholesome privileges and advantages that the metro rail sector brings along, are multi-folded.

As a leader in Public Transportation, the system provides many comforts & facilities giving the commuters a decent travel experience, like...

I. The Metro Rail looks swanky and gives the Commuters a feel-good appearance and cosy experience as well.

II. Travel by Metro is fast and is a time saver – The traveling public, especially the city commuters looking for a quick and time saver transport to avoid traffic jams by road congestion, health-hazardous pollution etc.

III. It is comfortable –Metro Cars are self-equipped Modern AC Coaches with seating & safety features and the Metro Stations are also provided with comfortable seating arrangements for senior citizens, ladies and physically challenged persons and the public conveniences on the platforms.

IV. Most convenient and reliable transport - Metro Rails are punctual and reach their destination right on time and so the commuters firmly depend on this transport mode, once used to.

V. Metro Rails are 100% safe due to having a separate RoW.  No accidents nor collusions ensure a complete safe journey. From the start – to – the end of your trip, you are under CCTV watch and a security check is exercised before entering the platform. While you are on the train, the train starts only after the closure of doors, which means you are safe inside as well as outside in the Metro premises. 

VI. Pollution-Free Travel – No pollution, neither sound pollution nor dust pollution- no carbon emission.

  1. Eco-friendly transport – It is clean & environmental-friendly friendly;  protects well the ecosystem of the atmosphere.
  2. Affordable transport- In comparison to other similar transports, the fares are low and affordable for the common man, most suitable for the daily commuters.

The Metro Rail System, besides providing a decent travel experience,  the far-reaching and long-lasting benefits are still more productive and appreciable. The cities and their sub-urban areas are surrounded by industries, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, etc.  Depending on the size of the City and the population, the students, teachers, white-collar employees, the blue-collar workers, the labour, the businessmen and the people of all walks of life who are commuting on Metro Rails would reach to their places fast and timely. This, in turn, ensures maximum productivity in the respective fields, Which we could see upgraded standards in the Socio-Economic development of the region. Further, this fast means of public transport reaching to the nook and corner of the urban agglomeration would lead to the city expansion by more residential colonies and commercial hubs mushrooming, resulting in significant GDP growth is achieved.

In many places in the World, traffic studies conducted on the situation of  “Before Metro” and “After Metro” proved that the economic development of the place saw steep growth after establishing metro services to city outskirts in all directions. Metro Rails thus play a significant role in the economic development of the Country as narrated above.

It is heartening to note that India, at present, is the 5th highest economy Nation achieving an annual GDP of 3.4 trillion USD and aspiring to reach the 3rd position targeting to reach above 5.5 trillion USD by the year 2027.  This is an ambitious target and no mean achievement. The gloomy fact is that on the Socio-Economic front, the challenge the Country is facing is that the average per-capita income per annum of an Indian is very low at 2,411 USD only. Unless we strive hard to secure a decent increase in the per-capita income through accelerated growth, the living conditions and civic amenities cannot be in a better position to show India as a Developed Nation.

One of the laudable parameters in the citizens' chapter of the developed Nations is that the happiness quotient is very high. The people who live in those countries have a clean atmosphere with wide roads, drainage, good law & order system, adorable civic amenities, cultural & community development activities, etc., that make happiness to live in the Country. As such, establishing the Metro Rail system in the Indian Cities certainly brings smiles on the faces of the citizens for all the good reasons enumerated above and we can certainly improve our present position in this regard (126 out of 146) to a better grade in the days to come.

It can therefore be summarized that the Metro Rail Transport System, aka “Urban Green Mobility” serves multiple objectives like fast & comfortable travel experience, clean & healthy environment, increased scope of business & employment opportunities, boosting of overall economic development, etc. As a part of the “inclusive growth” of all sectors in the Country, due importance is attached to the metro rail sector also by establishing metro rail systems in more and more cities.  Incidentally, it is informed that as per the Paris Agreement – 2015 on “Global Climate Change”, in the World Conference held, decisions were taken that developed countries should support the developing countries technically, operationally, and financially by way of extending term loans at Zero interest or at a nominal interest rate to the countries which need financial assistance in establishing the Metro Rail Systems. 

In India, about 100 cities have been identified as the ideal “smart cities” to develop in all aspects duly providing required Urban Infrastructure facilities and civic amenities to make them happily liveable cities. Keeping this object in view, in the “Gati-Shakti Scheme -2023”, for the development of the Metro Rail Sector in India, an ambitious target has been fixed to sanction Metro Rail Systems in 75 Cities by the year 2027, for which funds to the tune of Rs.3 Lakh Cr have been earmarked. Already 28 cities have been covered with the robust Metro Rail Systems, some operational, some under construction and some more got approval and are in the process of financial closure.  Even in some cities, expansion of the Metro Rail network is also taking place where the system is currently operational, with the support of foreign funding agencies like JICA, EIB, KFW, ADB, AFD etc. Indian economy is sure to rise steeply with the advent of these economic growth engines that are coming to play a visible role in the field of Urban Development.

However, implementing the Metro Rail System in the proposed cities within the above-targeted period is not an easy task, because it is a capital-intensive project requiring huge initial investment. The breakeven of the Project takes a longer time and the financial sustainability of the project is achievable only after 10-15 years. But, the positive point is that the rail-based Metro System is a long-lasting one with minimum O&M expenses and earns surplus in the long run, which means the fares can be kept reasonably low in comparison to any other transport systems. The superior Transport System (e.g. Metro Rails) is a public utility Project meant for public convenience and the public good. As such, it should be considered at par with essential things like free education, supply of essential commodities, and free medical facilities as a mark of Socio-Economic development. 

I would like to jot down below some suggestions as to how to make the Metro Rail Transport System financially viable at the earliest and continue as such ensuring financial sustainability. The rules are simple we should put continuous efforts for maximization of revenues and to contain the working expansions as minimum as possible.

a. In Tier-2 Indian cities, we should think of establishing the cost-effective Light Metro Rail Systems to achieve savings by 20% in the initial investment for establishing this capital-intensive project and save 25% in the recurring O&M expenses. A low-cost cost smaller and smarter Metro System is adequate to cater to the ridership demand in Tier-2 & 3 cities, rather than the costly heavy Metro System established in Tier-1 Metro Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, etc., where the city population has already crossed 10 Million at present. The 2-car Light Metro System is felt to be the most suitable system for the cities where the population is below 5 million now and reaching 10 million over the next 35-40 years’ period. It can be conveniently upgraded after 40 years to a higher version depending on the ridership demand after 35-40 years, without much modifications. This Light Metro Rail System while providing all travel comforts to the commuters at par with the heavy Metro System, gives a great monetary relief to the organizations. The Government of Andhra Pradesh is therefore adopting this light Metro Rail System in the cities of Visakhapatnam & Vijayawada given the decisive financial sustainability.

b. Increase in the ridership and occupation ratio is the key to the success of the Metro Transportation System. This is possible if we could provide the commuters a hassle-free and seamless transport from home to workplace and vice-versa saving time and money. As such, the organizations should adopt various measures to attract more traffic regularly, as mentioned below :

(i). Parking lots and bus bays should be provided at all important stations.

(ii). Last mile connectivity from & to the Metro Stations has to be provided, making tie-ups with auto, cab, and rapido services, e-cycles and e-rikshaws.

(iii). At prominent junctions, multi-model transport hubs are to be established in coordination with the local Governments to facilitate the long-distance passengers to reach their places. This aspect has also been considered to be critical in minimizing the logistic costs and therefore suitable provision has been made in the “Gati-Shakti Scheme - 2023”. 

c. Station buildings are to be transformed as Activity Centres, in a bid to optimally exploit the Property Development. Multi-storied buildings are to be built over the Station, accommodating Daycare centers, small function halls, Super bazaars, Eateries, etc., on the 1st floor, Banks / Commercial stalls on the 2nd floor and Offices in the upper floors. Entries from inside the platform and from outside are to be provided making these Multi Activity Hubs in the Station premises easily accessible.

d. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is possible in the influence zone of 500 meters on either side of the Metro Rail Corridor when the System is operational. TOD integrates mixed land use and allows the development of Compact Growth Centres along the corridor so there would be a boom in real estate, industry, tourism, and allied sectors and therefore there is ample scope for revenue generation and GDP growth.

The Metro Rail Corporations in coordination with the local Municipal Authorities could frame rules for imposing certain levis like additional stamp duty, layouts development fee, property tax, green cess, additional FAR, etc., in the influence zones to earn additional revenues to meet part of working expenses.

e. The non-fare revenues on advertisements can be maximized by offering advertising spaces at all places inside and outside of the Metro trains and metro assets.  

f. With the help of the latest digital technology like AI, IOT things, etc., Organizations can bring an All-In-One User-friendly App providing all information about Metro Rail Operations and Common Mobility Smart Travel Cards and take such measures to fetch more ridership revenues.

g. A high-capacity solar energy plant can be established based on the availability of space and surface of Metro Rail assets and use this power generated in the solar grid for Metro requirements and the surplus power could be sold/adjusted against the energy charges, if any, payable to the State Electricity Supply Corporations.

h. Yet, there are no boundaries to the measures that could be adopted by Metro Rail Organizations to explore and exploit their avenues of earnings contain the working expenses to the minimum and to make the Organization financially stronger and sustainable in the long run.   

It may therefore be concluded that the fast-track expansion of the Metro Rail Systems in more Indian cities is possible by following various suggestions made in the above paragraphs, to gain full advantages to the society. The role of the Metro Rail Sector, directly and indirectly in the Socio-Economic development of the Country is distinctive fulfilling the principal objectives of “VIKSIT BHARAT-2047”.


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